Donation for Military Children

Thanks to a generous donation from Leopold’s Ice Cream in Savannah, we were able to deliver almost 2,000 books to Fort Stewart today. These books will be distributed through Morale, Welfare and Recreation to each of the kids ages 3-8 in the Child Development Centers on both Ft. Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield.

One of our foundation’s aims is to raise awareness of kids with disabilities. We can’t wait for the young children of our nation’s service members to dig in to the books!

Huge thanks to Leopold’s and also the staff at MWR Ft. Stewart for making this happen!

Book #2 is in the Works!

We are beyond thrilled to share the news that illustrator Rashad Doucet has signed a contract and begun work on the second of our special needs superhero books!! This book’s working title is Jeremiah Justice Saves Camp! Not only will readers get to share in more adventures with Jeremiah Justice as he battles a new villain, they’ll meet our newest superhero Bella Grace!

Check back here for more information as the project progresses. We appreciate all the love and support we’ve received, and love to hear from families who’ve read the book.

**Rashad also has a new book available to preorder now from Simon and Schuster Publishing! Check it out here.

Why it Matters

Photo credit unknown. Shared from a Facebook post.

It matters. Children need books with characters that represent the world around them. Books with characters of different races, religions and physical abilities–just to name a few. Middle grade novels are doing much better with inclusion and representation than they were even a few years ago. But we have a long way to go. Especially with picture books.

We ran the Kickstarter campaign for Jeremiah Justice Saves the Day last year, because we wanted to go beyond what’s out there already. We wanted to create a superhero with a remarkable ability, unlike any other. Thanks to Rashad Doucet‘s brilliance, we did just that. We were able to raise the funds to publish the book up front, which allows us to donate the proceeds of the book to this foundation.

Please help us share the news. With your help, we can raise the funds to publish more superhero books with special needs characters. Thanks for your support!

Making a Difference

We are getting amazing feedback from people to let us know how Jeremiah Justice Saves the Day is making a difference to special needs kids. Here is an excerpt of one message: “Just thought I would tell you how much the boy I gave your book to loved it. His mom says he has asked to have it read to him every day. He holds his trading card all the time while zipping around in his power wheel chair throughout his house. He talks about his new super hero a lot! Great job, you are really making a great impact on special needs children everywhere!”

This is exactly what our foundation is here for–to make a difference! Thanks for the wonderful feedback. Please keep it coming, and please review the book on Amazon if you want help spread the word! Thank you.

Savannah Chatham Schools Receive Book Donations

31 copies of Jeremiah Justice Saves the Day were recently donated to the Savannah Chatham County Public School System. Once the books are distributed, each school in Chatham County with K-5 or K-8 students will have a copy of the book in their media center. One of our foundation’s goals is to donate books to help raise awareness of special needs kids, so we appreciate each donation that has helped make this happen!

If you would like to help us donate more books to schools or children’s hospitals, we would love your support! Use the contact form or donate here. Thank you!